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Velvet 4337

Streamlining Cross-Chain DeFi with ERC-4337

ETHIndia 2022
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Future of On-Chain Lending

ETHIndia 2022
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Ethereum cross-chain metaverse.

ETHIndia 2022
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ENSBoundBadges (EBB)

ENS bound, non-transferrable on-chain badges with Push notifications

ETHIndia 2022
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Scheduling tool with web3 at its core.

ETHIndia 2022
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Proof of Education, Own what you learn.

ETHIndia 2022
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Create Protocol

An NFT utility delegation tool that lets NFT owners to delegate their utilities to the interested parties for a specific time period & price, without transfering NFT from the owner wallet

ETHIndia 2022
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GivETH - Decentralizing a better world

Empowering individuals to make a lasting impact on the world, one block at a time.

ETHIndia 2022
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Make owning simpler!!

ETHIndia 2022
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Least imperfect Governance

Democracy in broken, spreading out the control among a larger chunk of people helps solves many issues.

ETHIndia 2022
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DAM It(Digital Asset Manage It)

Get closer to managing your digital assets by 'DAMing it in a single click' It a comprehensive built-in brand assets management Dapp.

ETHIndia 2022
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Squad: On-Chain Encrypted AES-RSA File Management

Squad is a 100% on-chain dApp that helps teams manage and share their files with a unique encryption layer between IPFS and their workflows, allowing for access control within different teams.

ETHIndia 2022
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Professional Credentials Validated (web3)Resume

Trustless, zero knowledge, Soul bound token(SBT) based Professional Credentials Validated Resume

ETHIndia 2022
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Split and Settle, Save yourself from hassle.

ETHIndia 2022
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Access all your medical records with just your Phone Number! An elegant solution to healthcare and hospital backend systems that bring Access, Security & Ease to ALL patients.

ETHIndia 2022
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ETHIndia 2022
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Liria - Free Speech

A privacy preserving community driven publication platform to empower authors/whistle-blowers and readers.

ETHIndia 2022
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🥇🤖An aggregator for metaverse real estate.💰🔥

ETHIndia 2022
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Reviews for all, one-from-one!

ETHIndia 2022
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Registration and Ticketing system using web3

ETHIndia 2022
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A Metamask snap for decentralized file storage and management with FEVM and IPFS along with PUSH notifications.

ETHIndia 2022
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Event driven transactions

Register a condition and transaction to run when that condition is true (for example see ETH when its price > $5K on Uniswap). Anyone else can call that transaction when that condition becomes true.

ETHIndia 2022
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Decentralized File Storage with/without Encryption and Access Control

ETHIndia 2022
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A unified portal to calculate the best fee on liquidity pools, hop to the optimal chain and invest on uniswap for maximum returns.

ETHIndia 2022
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Defeit Counterfiet Drugs in the market

ETHIndia 2022
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Make music , make nfts

ETHIndia 2022
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Vote from any chain you want

ETHIndia 2022
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Non-custodial Social Recovery and Inheritance Protocol

ETHIndia 2022
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Lightspeed Transaction

ETHIndia 2022
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Decentralized Payment method to send and receive crypto on your account by just providing the phone number which acts as a unique identifier built around Polygon ID’s identity framework.

ETHIndia 2022
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F.I.R. Registration System

It is a F.I.R registration system which can be used to make the current policing system more trustworthy, transparent and immutable.

ETHIndia 2022
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A donation-based dApp on Polygon where users can start a fundraising project for anyone to contribute and support the campaign by pledging the amount of their wish.

ETHIndia 2022
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Web3 Marketplace for lands

ETHIndia 2022