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Decentralized Payment method to send and receive crypto on your account by just providing the phone number which acts as a unique identifier built around Polygon ID’s identity framework.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


πŸ† ETHIndia Finalist


πŸ’¬ Push Protocol β€” πŸ₯ˆ Best use of Chat


🏊 Valist β€” Prize Pool


🏊 The Graph β€” Pool Prize


🏊 ENS β€” Integration Prize


πŸ₯‡ Covalent β€” Best Use


πŸ₯‡ Quicknode β€” Best Use


πŸ₯‡ Starton β€” Best Use

Project Description

Solving the problem of onboarding web2 users at a scale. One-time phone number registration, claim, and verification process to receive crypto from a user and making it convenient for the sender by eliminating the issue of remembering the long account address. If the receiver’s number is not verified/ claimed yet, the escrow contract holds the user’s funds for 7 days.

How it's Made

  1. We are unable to fetch real-time data from Covalent after any token transaction is completed, so we have delayed the API call to get that data.
  2. Push protocol extension for Chrome browser is not working
  3. Push protocol is not working on the Polygon mainnet from the web app, so we are trying on the testnet in the meantime
  4. We faced transaction underpriced when executing the transaction using Metamask wallet, so we have to edit the change the gas price most of the time
  5. We have tried to integrate World ID with the Phone number claim using PolygonID, but we are unable to proceed as the Worldcoin wallet is not available in testnet to integrate and test the flow
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