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F.I.R. Registration System

It is a F.I.R registration system which can be used to make the current policing system more trustworthy, transparent and immutable.

F.I.R. Registration System

Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

Our project can be used by the poilce to register the First Information Report(FIR). In the current system, the FIR's are either written using traditional paperwork or by using a centralised database which is mutable and is not at all transparent. The FIR is a very crucial part of the investigation process and so it should be transparent and immutable. In the current system, the FIR's can be easily manipulated and the whole investgation related to the case can get disturbed due to this. We are making a decentralised FIR system which is based on Smart Contract and is thus immutable. It helps in modernizing the current policing system by making this system more Trustworthy, Transparent and Immutable.

How it's Made

The main challenge was to retrieve the data related to a particular case from the blockchain. To solve this problem, we mapped the case details to the case number and then we can search a particular case with the help of that case number.

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