project screenshot 1


Registration and Ticketing system using web3


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♀️ Biconomy — Pool Prize

Project Description

We wanted to overcome the problem we are facing with the registration and ticketing system in web2. We want to have one stop for all events for organisers and users. For users it should be gasless and simple to use. for organisers it should be simple and easy to create an event, user verification and the Merc verification should happen within the same system using the NFT, where we want to avoid all these paper works and physical coupons.

Thanks to the below partners for help: Biconomy - meta transactions for gasless Infura - to interact with nodes and store the NFT metadata covalent - to get nft details for any given user polygon - Deployed our contract on polygon

Next feature to build

To have web auth so normal users also can use our app Auction Paid ticketing Experience Certificate as NFT

How it's Made

understanding meta transactions and verifying users by sign. updating metadata dynamically was a challenge but could crack it

background image mobile

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