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The Convo Space

The Decentralized Conversation Layer of Internet, customizable plugins for apps connecting conversations and communities across the Internet.

Web3 Weekend
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Sock Explorer

Sock wearers rejoice! Find your $SOCKS at

Web3 Weekend
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RED Notes

Creating NFTs that enable organic discovery for the artist, and rewards for fans sharing the content.

Web3 Weekend
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🎲 Push The Button A base template for multiplayer turn-based game on Ethereum...

Web3 Weekend
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A decentralized restaurant reservation app for restaurant owners and customers using Unlock

Web3 Weekend
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All_ebt DAO

Food stamps built on ETH so that low income communities can also participate in the cypto economy

Web3 Weekend
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Deposit USDC, mint cUSDC and sell cUSDC forward to get fixed rate deposit

Web3 Weekend
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Livestream NFT Minting

The objective of the project is to enable NFTs to be minted in real-time, from livestream video being processed by Livepeer's Broadcaster.

Web3 Weekend
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Create a decentralized and opensource protocole for legal NFT : the TA-TO case : WRAPPED FONGIBLES TOKENS TO NFTs

Web3 Weekend
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We are creating a file authorization NFT Token that enables anyone with that token access to the data

Web3 Weekend
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A framework for hosting and training machine learning models on a distributed blockchain infrastructure. Requires only a single deployment of a machine learning model on an ethereum based smart contract, which can then be used to train or query predictions.

Web3 Weekend
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The Open Journal

The Open Journal is a platform that respects and upholds your voice without the intervention of a central authority to withdraw your content.

Web3 Weekend
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Our vision is to provide a digital and paperless boat charter booking and ordering process . A front end digital booking system which allow you to search and find the best boat for your needs. Your experience voucher will be minted as NFT to your wallet.

Web3 Weekend
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A Decentralized Streaming and Online Meeting Application that gives power back to content-creators

Web3 Weekend
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A digital land aggregation tool, with analytical insights at its core.

Web3 Weekend
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Creating globally unique and persistent identifiers (PIDs) and publishing accompanying metadata to facilitate open science

Web3 Weekend
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Block chain abstract description of the labor value of all people to achieve communism

Web3 Weekend
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co-working platform on web3 - chat/video/screen/task/file/governance - incomplete implementation

Web3 Weekend
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The Ultra Sound Music Project

Every revolution needs its sound track. The sound track to the ultra sound money revolution is ultra sound music! Blockchain native music legos , composable and scarce!

Web3 Weekend
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Bringing quality and auditability to real world or digital assets all tied to an NFT.

Web3 Weekend
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Open Science (Opsci) Data Wallet

Data management with the Opsci Data Wallet flips the data economy on its head and gives data sovereignty back to the creators - research participants - and empowers researchers with tools for interoperability, sharing, and reproducible workflows.

Web3 Weekend
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Cross Chain Wallet Dashboard

This projects helps you to keep track of your liquidity across chains.

Web3 Weekend
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An NFT membership platform to support your favourite creators.

Web3 Weekend
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ZeroFee Exchange

ZeroFee Exchange allows you to create limit order without trade fees on the Uniswap Protocol while making money at the same time!

Web3 Weekend
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Nifty Studio

A Web3 Project to help fund movie productions. A studio for the People, by the People.

Web3 Weekend