
A digital land aggregation tool, with analytical insights at its core.


Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

Blockchain has enabled a powerful new class of user controlled, decentralized experiences. Indeed, Metaverses are now emerging as central hubs for community, free expression, and investment. So much so, that Metaverses have already drawn together millions of active monthly users, with >$300MM spent over 200,000+ transactions to date.

Despite this incredible growth, however, the metaverse market is still under-served and under-utilized. We observe several key problems:

  1. Lack of data: Metadata about what goes into each Land parcel is sparse.

  2. Lack of insights: It is hard to find signals through the noise and assess the factors that contribute to Land price.

  3. Lack of Accessibility: There is no central hub for browsing & investing in NFT Land.

Our solution is to source, analyze, and make accessible deep, automated insights on blockchain real estate. Through sophisticated data analytics, we can accurately assess and predict the value of virtual land, and provide much needed value to a highly speculative space.

Through our interactive hub,, users can find Land aggregated across several Metaverses (and growing!), along with key metrics & insights which can be leveraged to make sound decisions and invest in the burgeoning Metaverse community.

How it's Made

//What we get

Open & Trustless: Data is trusted, available, and decentralized - anyone can verify

Aggregation & Scale: Impossible to source, aggregate, and analyze at scale without Graph and Ocean

//What we give

Data Empowerment: Feed new, key insights back into the DEFI ecosystem, creating new subgraphs (in progress)

Automation: No middlemen needed, no cuts taken - automated, agnostic analytics

Our solution is to source, analyze, and make accessible deep, automated insights on blockchain real estate. Through sophisticated data analytics, we can accurately assess and predict the value of virtual land, and provide much needed value to a highly speculative space.

This project makes deep use of the Graph, the OpenSea API, and Ocean Protocol

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