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1inch Network


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Getting Started

Details about 1inch protocols, all documentation, examples and GitHub links can be found at https://docs.1inch.io


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Getting Started

🤖 AI

Take advantage of Gnosis Chain’s decentralization and low network fees for your AI project. Demonstrate the power of AI on Gnosis Chain for a chance to win the AI bounty. Distributed labeling, training, model marketplaces, anything is possible. Be creative (don’t just build one more pay-for-GPT app).

🌉 Hashi

Hashi is an EVM Header Oracle Aggregator designed to facilitate a principled approach to cross-chain bridge security. The primary insight is that most bridge-related security incidents could have had a minimal impact if the systems relying on them had built in some redundancy. In other words, requiring messages to be validated by multiple independent mechanisms, rather than just one, is much more secure. Be creative!

🔐 Safe

Build with Safe on Gnosis Chain to take advantage of "sponsored transactions". Made possible by Account Abstraction (AA), Gnosis Chain together with Safe sponsors all your users’ Safe transactions on Gnosis Chain. Use the gasless experiences that feel like web2 interactions. Utilize the Safe{Core} Account Abstraction stack on Gnosis Chain for a chance to win this bounty.

⛓ Gnosis Chain

Recommended Things for Builders


Building on Gnosis Chain: Using real world in...

Learn about how and why to build on Gnosis Chain (spoiler: *much EVM*, *low gas cost*), and where to get resources....

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 1

Prize details coming soon


Polygon ID: issue your first credentials and ...

Learn how to run an Issuer Node from Polygon.

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 1

Prize details coming soon


Global Proof of Personhood in the Age of AI

As we venture into the exciting new Age of AI, solving proof of personhood is more important than ever. Intelligenc...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 1

Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

🔩Hackathon Starter Kit: Built with ❤️ for Scaling Ethereum hackers. Optimism + wagmi + Foundry + Rainbowkit + Vite project originally bootstrapped with create-wagmi.

Optimism Ideas List: Big ideas, specific ideas, tool ideas, ecosystem ideas, dangerous ideas, updated for AttestationStation and the OP Stack.

OP Stack Resources

Identity, Reputation, and AttestationStation Resources


Launch your own Rollup with the OP Stack in 3...

In this workshop we'll launch a fully-functional Rollup in just 30 minutes with the magic of the OP Stack.

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 1

Prize details coming soon


Build with GHO: rAAVE tickets

An overview of GHO, a decentralized multi-collateral stablecoin that is fully backed, transparent and native to the...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Prize details coming soon

Getting Started


Lens Protocol 101: A Workshop for Building Fu...

In this workshop you'll learn how to use Lens Protocol and Next.js to build out a basic social media application. ...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Filecoin & IPFS


Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

  • FVM Official Site: Official site for FVM, with thorough references to FVM overview, timeline, and developer resources
  • FVM Quick Start Guide: FVM walk-through guide for wallet setup and contract deployment with Remix
  • FVM Hackathon Cheat Sheet: The name says it all! This is the comprehensive guide with all learning resources about FVM
  • FVM Toolkit References: Lists a collection of tools and resources you can use to build on top of the Filecoin network using the FVM
  • Metamask and Faucet Guide: A walkthrough tutorial to integrate FIL into MetaMask for different Filecoin networks.
  • Using Remix with FEVM: A live walk-through demo for setting up a wallet and using Remix to deploy a smart contract on FEVM
  • Example Use Cases: The Request for Startup blog post outlines a number of exciting opportunities and ideas that can be built on FVM


Intro to FVM & Filecoin Storage Deal Demo

An intro to Filecoin, Filecoin Virtual Machine and FEVM, the EVM runtime on the FVM with a demo of how to do a stor...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Prize details coming soon


Build with Linea: An L2 crash course

In this workshop, we’ll be giving an L2 crash course - what they are, how they work, and how to choose where to bui...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

Did you know that Cartesi tech allows you to build DApps without having to master Solidity? Cartesi allows you to build fully decentralized applications using the stacks and libraries you’re already familiar with — expanding the possibilities for all developers, whether you are a beginner or experienced in blockchain coding.


Billions of Reasons to Use Cartesi

Learn how Cartesi Rollups work and how they enable billion CPU cycle transactions. Stop worrying about Solidity and...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Prize details coming soon


Unlocking Account Abstraction - Smart account...

An overview of ERC-4337 and a primer on Trampoline, an ERC-4337-enabled browser extension wallet that takes care of...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 3

Prize details coming soon


Web3 data APIs for builders, with AI and Grap...

Airstack enables devs to easily integrate any web3 on-chain data and related off-chain data into their apps. Our Id...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 3

Prize details coming soon


Prize details coming soon


Integrating zkBob privacy into DeFi workflows

Financial privacy is important for lots of on-chain use-cases. Although fully public ledgers make this really hard ...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 3

Prize details coming soon


Faster subgraphs with substreams

A long anticipated feature landed as a developer preview on The Graph: Substreams powered subgraphs. In this worksh...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 2

Prize details coming soon


Writing High Performance Smart Contracts in R...

Learn how to build optimized and efficient smart contracts in a Rust-based DSL. This workshop was designed with Sol...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 3

Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

You can use the Nouns artwork and any other dev resources freely for any project for any purpose. It's CC0 (public domain, a.k.a. no copyright). Here you can find different resources to get started with Nouns.

Nouns Dev Resources

Nouns Assets

Nouns Art Tools