logoETHGlobal Lisbon



Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

🔩Hackathon Starter Kit: Built with ❤️ for Scaling Ethereum hackers. Optimism + wagmi + Foundry + Rainbowkit + Vite project originally bootstrapped with create-wagmi.

Optimism Ideas List: Big ideas, specific ideas, tool ideas, ecosystem ideas, dangerous ideas, updated for AttestationStation and the OP Stack.

OP Stack Resources

Identity, Reputation, and AttestationStation Resources


Launch your own Rollup with the OP Stack in 3...

In this workshop we'll launch a fully-functional Rollup in just 30 minutes with the magic of the OP Stack.

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM WEST — Friday, May 12, 2023 in 2nd Floor | Workshop Room 1