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Automatic market maker written in Zinc for zkSync, based on Uniswap v2

Scaling Ethereum
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NGO Fundraiser

NGO Fundraiser: Your small contribution can make a difference.

Scaling Ethereum
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Photogrammetry (3D scanning) on Golem

An online IDE which lets you run Micmac photogrammetry workloads on Golem.

Scaling Ethereum
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Ray Tracing

Ray Tracing allows to trace MEV (miner extractable value) hiding between the glass shards of the Eth1-Eth2 devnets and testnets.

Scaling Ethereum
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There are too many lies in this world, and the hateful lies will be forgotten into the long river of history with the passage of time. This timeless notebook is used to record stories that should not be forgotten.

Scaling Ethereum
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Non custodial wallet for corporation, non profit or group sharing the same wallet.

Scaling Ethereum
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dAppy Doge L2

dAppy Doge, a L2 game using Polygon, Torus and Unity. Very wOw.

Scaling Ethereum
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Prime Choice Select

Prime Choice Select is blockchain payment application that automatically selects the best blockchain given the requirements of the payment.

Scaling Ethereum
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Harmonia is a platform for scalable, decentralized dispute resolution through NuCypher time encrypted voting and the SKALE blockchain network. Harmonia is peer to peer dispute resolution.

Scaling Ethereum
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B-Commerce - Web3 + L2 Retail Solutions

Decentralized Shopify using L2+Web3 for payments, storage, API, and digital ID

Scaling Ethereum
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Handler Exchange

A decentralized freelance platform with variable initial payments and escrow built in!

Scaling Ethereum
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It's like Snapchat for secrets. Try it out at

Scaling Ethereum
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Scaffold Reach UI

Scaffold Reach UI allows Reach Ethereum developers to create and deploy dApps with ease.

Scaling Ethereum
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Scaling Concept

Adaptive proof-of-work blockchains that independently submit transactions to the main net.

Scaling Ethereum
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Idea is to use liquidity available on L1 on L2. To enable people for various advantages like to take FlashLoans on chains where a lot of liquidity isn't available. Which would enable users to take make most of arbitrage opportunities and various other benefits.

Scaling Ethereum
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Polygon Galaxy

It is a dashboard of polygon network with in-depth. meaningful & clearly understandable details & statistics about the popular projects on polygon.

Scaling Ethereum
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Myield manages your Matic to earn the highest amount of Polygon rewards

Scaling Ethereum
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Parimutuel on MATIC

Parimutuel is a system where bets for all possible outcomes of an event are put into a single pool, and the winning outcome bettors split the entire pool pro-rata sans fees. Most forms of prediction market can be implemented using the Parimutuel protocol.

Scaling Ethereum
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hardhat-deploy multi-chain

Improve tooling for multi chain deployment using existing toolchain

Scaling Ethereum
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Tokenomics tool to automate a fair token launch, and a native profit-sharing economy within any(!) protocol.

Scaling Ethereum
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NERD: Nifty Erdstall

NERD: Nifty Erdstall. An off-chain NFT marketplace with confidential NFTs. Scaled with Erdstall.

Scaling Ethereum
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Exfil is a protocol and SDK that provides instant withdrawals of crypto assets from L2.

Scaling Ethereum
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Earnifi POAP Raffles

POAP offers raffles often, but hearing about them, signing up, and getting notified if you were a winner is a black-box.

Scaling Ethereum
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Create an online reservation that makes possible to reserve a team/time NFT on blockchain.

Scaling Ethereum
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Synthetic Central Bank

A Special Drawing Right (SDR) Synthetic Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC constructed on scalable Web3 and L2 Technology'

Scaling Ethereum
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Enabling NFT owners to creative meme-ified derivative assets (new NFTs) from items they already own.

Scaling Ethereum
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Steak Master

The newest decentralized business steaking system #trustmysteak

Scaling Ethereum
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ZKSwap Things

A Python wrapper around the ZKSwap API, with augmented functionality.

Scaling Ethereum
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NFT Encryption Art

NFT encryption art entertainment creation platform, to provide users with a full range of NFT encryption art creation, GDT as the only pass of the platform. With the development of gamedao ecology, gamedao will open the NFT auction system in the later

Scaling Ethereum
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Optimistic Raiden

A port of the Raiden Protocol contracts to the Optimism Scaling Solution

Scaling Ethereum
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A Swiss manufacturing ecosystem ensuring industry compliance, product authentification, IP security, and quality assurance

Scaling Ethereum
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Community driven education platform to make education more engaging and less intimidating

Scaling Ethereum
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NFT Haus

NFT Haus is a website where non-developers can easily deploy and interact with NFT contracts on the L2 and mainnet

Scaling Ethereum