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Another ERC-20 that's pegged to the Dollar based on a published contract

ETHNewYork 2022
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Attribution for Advertisers : Facilitate sharing of data in a private way to get attribution calculated.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Optimistic Payments

Allow your customers to pay with any token, and receive in your token of choice.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Harbeger NFTs: Price Things based on how much the owner values it

ETHNewYork 2022
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world wallet

ZKP HD Wallets using Worldcoin. Using BIP32 and BIP39 to create a universal biometrically proven wallet.

ETHNewYork 2022
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One platform to manage all your crypto profile information. Don't go to different places to update your info. Update once and distribute across all your crypto profiles.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Multi-chain DeFi Protocol that will allow regular users & professionals to create automated crypto portfolios, indexes and other financial products in a few simple clicks. We utilize modern portfolio theory and yield farming to deliver additional yield.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Raiseblock is a pooling solution for public goods running on both Optimism Kovan and Polygon Mumbai testnets

ETHNewYork 2022
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Cross Fader

A multi chain privacy mixer. Anonymize transactions on any L2.

ETHNewYork 2022
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A platform for Fractional NFT rewards Streaming and Trading

ETHNewYork 2022
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A music streaming platform where you can stream money directly to the artist wallet while listening.

ETHNewYork 2022
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OMNI Protocol

A general money market that supports ERC721 (Especially Uniswap V3 LP) and ERC20 assets.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Tactica is a Decentralized DRM platform that allows complete configurability for licensing configurations.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Decentra Date

Decentralized dating on the blockchain. Each decision is a transaction (but L2 so it's cheaper)

ETHNewYork 2022
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Liquidity Pool

This is a low level interface to a liquidity pool for two tokens. ETH and an ERC-20 Token called spacecoin.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Motivational wallet

Motivational Contract - lose your fund if your self-imposed goals are not met

ETHNewYork 2022
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Rails are dynamically generated, interactive maps that visualise interactions such as transactional and quantitive activity over time.

ETHNewYork 2022
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The magic of allowance-less permit() for all tokens (even NFTs).

ETHNewYork 2022
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ETH Toolkit

Simplify your Ethereum toolkit by replacing dozens of bookmarked websites with one that does it all.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Web3 Event Check-In With Proof of Attendance

Simple Web3 Based Check-In App using World Coin and Javascript

ETHNewYork 2022
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ENS Dream Journal

Decentralized Dream Journal utilizing IPFS, ENS Reverse Lookup and WalletConnect

ETHNewYork 2022
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A private and secure way to invest in human relationships, where verified high net worth individuals & attractive people meet.

ETHNewYork 2022
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DApp specific user analytics platform. Think Google analytics for smart contract applications.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Medici Finance

Co-collateralized lending pool between borrowers and lender with on-chain reputation connected to your WorldID.

ETHNewYork 2022
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NFT Gram

Connect to NFT Gram, create your own NFT's, and sell them to your fans

ETHNewYork 2022
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Ricochet Tokens

Stake LP tokens that automatically claim rewards using Superfluid

ETHNewYork 2022
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UniChat: An open decentralized protocol for public messaging

ETHNewYork 2022
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Lens Subgraph with EPNS

Basic subgraph with EPNS on Lens protocol. Handle emitted events and read IPFS data to store it on graph level.

ETHNewYork 2022
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Lunar NFT

Lunar Meta NFT collection for those who want to go to the moon. My very first time project in the web3 space.

ETHNewYork 2022
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A marketplace for music rights, owned collectively by artists

ETHNewYork 2022
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Health Avatar and Mana Tree

Be healthy, and get rewarded in other ecosystems, dapps, and networks... and we build a test 3rd party network to reward you

ETHNewYork 2022
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This project extends the plugins for Apeworx by providing a plugin for Blockscout explorer to increase the diversity.

ETHNewYork 2022
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PolyCarbonX is an innovative Peer-to-Peer Carbon Credit system. The aim of the project is to incentivise individuals to reduce their CO2 emissions by earning yields. In this way we can reduce green premium for vehicles by up to 60%.

ETHNewYork 2022