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Distributed datasets labeling with strong identity verification


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🏊 Polygon β€” Build on Polygon


🏊 Worldcoin β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

We made an mvp of on-chain data labeling for AI/ML models training. Blockchain solution is more scalable and it allows us reach a wider audience of workers and make their market more fair. We add strong worker verification system based on ZK-proofs to distinguish unique human accounts, ensuring the integrity of the labeling process.

How it's Made

First crucial part of our project is workers verification. For this, we leverage World_Id properties to distinguish workers (and also verify that they are real unique persons) to prevent assignments authors from spam and spend their money for nothing.

The second part is to hide actual answers of workers, it is very important to make all answers independent, so no workers could steal answer from one another. For this we publish commitments of completed assignment and open them at the moment of withdraw money. So basically answers are be hided using zk mechanics.

For the main part of platform we have a core solidity contract: ffor assignment creators and for workers to submit answers and get payments.

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