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Variety on the game battle ships based on zk proofs (whit options of moving ships)


Created At


Winner of


🥇 Aztec — Best Use

Project Description

Implementation of Battle Ships game on zk proofs with additional restrictions

  1. field 5 by 5.
  2. Each player has 3 ships from the 1 point.
  3. Ships cannot touch each other
  4. Each turn, the ship can either move 1 cell in eny dimencion, or make a shot, or do nothing
  5. Sunk ships are removed from the field and do not interact with anything in any way
  6. The enemy know about the hit and the sinking of the ship
  7. The ship can withstand 3 hits
  8. The game goes until all enemy ships are sunk

How it's Made

The game was created with Noir language from Aztek protocol (it's a zk proof language which alows to store information in blockchain without storing it in public access). As frontend we use vueJs. Host it in docker on server. Support testnet of polygon, aztek and ethereum.

background image mobile

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