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A general bridging solution using zkps to provide confidentiality and proof of burning / minting


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

A set of contracts to be deployed to provide a bridge between Ethereum L1 and compatible chains. Initially looking to bridge to Taiko, but in a generic way so as to target other zkEVM solutions It uses zkps as proof of assets being burnt / deposited and minted on either side of the bridge It will also contain an incentive mechanism via MEV to ensure sufficient participation

How it's Made

Using Solidity to build the contracts to target the zkEVM chains such as Taiko Proofs are constructed using Noir Operator nodes will be built using Ethers / node.js Development tools included VSCode, Foundry, Remix, Github We used a template for Noir We didn't have much spare time so didnt get very far, but we may develop it further

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