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Worlds Best.FYI is a decentralized voting platform enabling accurate crowdsourced ratings, piloting as a system for ETHGlobal to create a community-judged prize for hackathons. Hackers are given a finite number of tokens to allocate to their favorite projects built by others.

Worlds Best.FYI

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description is a decentralized voting platform enabling accurate crowdsourced ratings. We wanted to provide a decentralized voting application that is easy to use for contestants, judges, and organizers.

We felt that incorporating features of the Blockchain, including secure data transfers and on transparency through on-chain open source ledgers, would greatly enhance the voting process.

Another important aspect of our project is getting contestant, or in our scenario Hackers, excited about other participant projects. There is indeed a spirit of comradely among competitors. Many hackers attend multiple events throughout the year and ultimately main gain long term professional connections from attending events.

Our application encourages hackers, and potentially contestants, to network with other developers at hackathon events. Understanding other projects prior to the final winner announcements greatly increases the odds of selecting the winner. The reward mechanism provides tokens that can be used for a later affiliated benefit, perhaps swag or a waived future event entrance fee. In this way hackers can connect and learn from other peers, during an otherwise dormant time in the hack a thon event.

How it's Made

Three of our members have attended a past Eth Global event and joined forces with 2 developers new to the hack a thon. Having never completed a project like this it was a real challenge to juggle work, life, and time zone scheduling. We found the Eth Global Discord and Dash to be very useful and got our team on track early. We also created a private Discord server to allow 24-hour asynchronous work.

Establishing our technology interface was the next challenge, our developers were already big fans of Thirdweb’s SDK so this was a nice progression. Our entire team was familiar with Table Land and we all agreed this was the main bounty and tech we wanted to employ in our project. We would like to mention licutts from LearnWeb3DAO was very helpful to our team. As well we would like to mention kien from Thirdweb and his incredible support.

It was Table lands support and accessibility that was the real turning point in our project. We hit a few stumbling block along the way in applying our concept, decentralized voting, to real world application. We especially want to thank deb for his continued support all week.

We were all amazed at the passages of time, with 8-hour work sessions seemingly passing in no time! They say time flies when you are having fun, but our experience was really much deeper. We had a truly amazing and fun time getting to know one another, waking up early or staying up very late to accommodate world time zones. This was a truly incredible experience!

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