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A decentralized information platform as an alternative to Wikipedia. Each article has its own community of collaborators(stakeholders) who have staked Aave aTokens. Only stakeholders of a wiki article have the ability to write, maintain, govern, and vote.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

  1. A user can create a new wiki article or import an existing wikipedia page.
  2. A wiki article is an ERC721 NFT.
  3. Each article has its own community of collaborators who have staked Aave aTokens to become a stakeholder.
  4. Duplicate articles may exist, however only the most staked article will be regarded official.
  5. Edits and conflicts will be resolved using a voting mechanism determined by the wiki article's stakeholders.

What are the current issues with Wikipedia?

  1. Censorship
  2. Lack of transparency
  3. Personal interests of contributors and others
  4. Vandalism of articles, which range from blanking articles to inserting profanities, hoaxes, or nonsense.

Our Solution. How does it work?

  1. A user can create a new wiki article or import an existing wikipedia page.
  2. A wiki article is an ERC721 NFT.
  3. Duplicate articles may exist, however only the most staked article will be regarded official.

How it's Made

We wanted to utilize the following protocols:

  1. Aave aTokens to stake on each wiki article(ERC721 NFT).
  2. Worldcoin to verify that the user account is a verified editor of Wikipedia article if they want to import the article to WikiStake.
  3. Superfluid for game theory and incentive mechanisms.
  4. IPFS/Filecoin for storage.
  5. Lens
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