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Website Template Marketplace

A marketplace for buying websites templates with codes encrypted

Website Template Marketplace

Created At


Winner of


🧙‍♂️ — Storage Wizard

Project Description

Website Template Marketplace

  • A marketplace for buying templates of websites
  • Codes for websites are encrypted and stored on IPFS
  • User can purchase a NFT of website templates
  • Only user with NFT can decrypt and access the website

How it works:

  • Website’s codes are encrypted with Lit Protocol
  • Encrypted codes are stored on IPFS
  • User can purchase and mint a NFT of website templates

How it's Made

I built the front end with Vue.js and Vuetify for styling. I built the contract with Hardhat. I deploy my contract on Polygon Testnet.

I used the following technologies:

  • IPFS - Website templates are stored on IPFS using
  • Lit Protocol - Website’s codes are encrypt with Lit Protocol
background image mobile

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