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Web3Tube is a social media platform to create, share and watch videos, without worrying about their privacy.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Every day more and more people are transiting to Web3. The demand for developers is increasing and skills in blockchain development are among the most in-demand in the tech industry. So, keeping in mind about the privacy and security concerns, our project, Web3Tube is built on top of Polygon network and The Graph, that allows users to create, share and watch videos, without worrying about their privacy.

How it's Made

This project uses Next.js for frontend, TailwindCSS for CSS framework, Hardhat for Ethereum development environment, Ethers.js is used as a Ethereum web client library and built on Polygon Layer 2 blockchain. The other technologies include Solidity for Smart contracts, IPFS for File storage, The Graph for querying data and Livepeer for Video Infrastructure.

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