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Web3 property sales platform using NFTs. Automate the sale and transfer of your properties.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The platform enables users to sell their property and get paid in Eth. The ownership transfer is done automatically using NFTs. There are 2 government bodies for providing mortgage and approving sales etc. If the buyer doesn't have sufficient funds for the purchase he can get the amount from a lender like the bank. The sale has to approved by the safety inspector to make sure everything is according to law.

How it's Made

The project is build on ethereum , smart contracts in solidity. Hardhat for deployment. IPFS for storage of NFT data and used react.js for the fronted building. The fronted interaction to the smart-contract is done using ethers.js. The NFT is created using data stored on IPFS, which are like the price , details and images of the property. Once all approvals and sufficient funds are got the escrow contract which hold the NFT will transfer its ownership to the buyer and the sale amount to the buyer.

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