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Web3One Wallet

All in one wallet, with account abstraction, cross chain multisig and a lot more features

Web3One Wallet

Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


💻 Polygon — Best UX or DevX


🏊 StackOS — Pool Prize


🏊 ENS — Integration Prize


🥈 Gnosis Chain — Best Use


🏊 Connext — Pool Prize

Project Description

Web3 is evolving and with this making things easy for user is need of the hour in blockchain space. One of the important things used in web3 is wallets. There are may wallets being built in market but a good, user centric wallet is need of the hour. To solve this issue we have created a easy to use wallet with smart account functionality powered by biconomy and a one click cross chain multi sig wallet creation with your friends using connext. The features of platform are:-

  • Smart Account using Biconomy Account Abstraction
  • Cross chain multisig using Connext and safe
  • NFT, Token Analysis and Details
  • Polygon Id support in the wallet
  • Wordcoin id integrated
  • Multi Chain support Ethereum, Polygon, Gnosis, Cronos, etc
  • Swapping
  • One click ENS Creation
  • User reputation score and voting through wallet itself

How it's Made

Understanding account abstraction and implementation Integrating connext multisig

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