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Web3MBTI: Discover your true self on the blockchain! 🔗✨ Unleash your personality type securely with this cutting-edge web3 app.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Web3MBTI is a revolutionary project that merges the world of personality psychology with the power of blockchain technology. Our platform allows users to gain insights into their personality types using the well-known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) framework.

Here's how it works:

User-Friendly Interface: Our user-friendly web application presents a series of thought-provoking questions designed to unveil your inner personality traits.

Blockchain Security: The answers provided by users are stored securely on the blockchain, ensuring data integrity and privacy. No more concerns about data breaches or tampering.

Personality Profiling: After completing the questionnaire, Web3MBTI uses sophisticated algorithms to compute your MBTI type, providing you with an in-depth analysis of your personality.

Smart Contracts: The calculated MBTI types are recorded in an smart contract, adding an immutable layer of verification to your personality profile.

Explore Insights: Users can access their MBTI profile at any time, gaining insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and compatibility with others.

Web3MBTI is a groundbreaking intersection of personality psychology and decentralized technology. By utilizing blockchain, we ensure that your personality insights are secure and private. Discover your true self, explore your relationships, and embrace the power of the blockchain with Web3MBTI!

How it's Made

Web3MBTI was meticulously crafted with an array of technologies, combining the best tools available to create a seamless and secure user experience. Here are the nitty-gritty details of how this project came together:

Frontend Development: Next.js Framework: The frontend of Web3MBTI is built using Next.js, a popular React framework. It offers server-side rendering, a smooth development experience, and excellent performance. Tailwind CSS: We used Tailwind CSS for styling, allowing for efficient design and quick development through utility-first classes.

Blockchain Integration: Wagmi Wallet Integration: To connect users' wallets to our platform, we integrated the Wagmi wallet. This provides a seamless and user-friendly experience for interacting with the blockchain. Smart Contracts: We deployed the Web3MBTI smart contracts on both the Scroll Testnet and Mantle Testnet. This deployment was meticulously verified, ensuring the contracts' integrity and security. User Experience: We created an engaging and thought-provoking questionnaire that guides users through the process of determining their MBTI personality type.

Security and Privacy: Blockchain Technology: Utilizing the blockchain provides a high level of security and immutability for user data, assuring data integrity and privacy. Testnets: Deploying the smart contracts on the Scroll Testnet and Mantle Testnet allows for extensive testing and validation of the platform's functionality without using real assets. Smart Contract Verification: Verifying the smart contracts on the testnets ensures their correctness and legitimacy.

Web3MBTI is the result of meticulous planning and execution, using a combination of Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Wagmi for wallet integration. The integration of blockchain technology provides a secure, private, and verifiable solution for personality profiling. The use of testnets and smart contract verification guarantees the platform's functionality and security.

Throughout the development process, our team prioritized user experience and data security to create a cutting-edge web3 application.

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