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Web3 Restaurant Reviews

A decentralized review system built on blockchain. There are many restaurant review platforms available, but they are often centralized and lack transparency.

Web3 Restaurant Reviews

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

There are many restaurant review platforms available, but they are often centralized and lack transparency. Users cannot be sure if reviews are authentic, and restaurant owners have limited control over their reputation on these platforms. Additionally, traditional review platforms are often limited to fiat currency, making international transactions difficult and costly.

How it's Made

Technologies Used

  • TableLand made our work easy with various networks. This allows us to work with a relational database to store Restaurant and metadata. We will definitely keep using complex TableLand functions in the future.

  • Polygon Mumbai Network enables our application to be a scalable platform with fast transactions.

  • XMTP facilitated the process of communication between employers and employees, especially for important employment documents. XMTP allows our users to request employment letters and documents in and seamless and secure way.

  • Covalent API was really helpful for users' donations and tips. This facilitated the retrieval of users’ NFTs and smart contract transactions. The Covalent API endpoints to get all NFTs balance and metadata from a wallet address such as images, contracts name, NFTs images, and balances.

  • IPFS NFTStorage for data storage on IPFS that generates a transaction hash used to create an NFT of a photo.

  • textile/eth-storage: facilitated a fast way to store metadata for NFTs such: as names, locations, description, images, wallet addresses, and more. It was perfect for our use case to save their needs on the textile storage.

  • NFTPort smooths the path of the minting and donating process and eliminates the high transaction fees. Our users will not pay anything for donating NFTs or minting.

  • Solidity for the smart contract.

  • OpenZeppelin ERC721 we use the ERC721 template for faster development of our smart contract.

  • Hardhat for local blockchain development.

  • React Js, Material-ui, Web3 React Js for the frontend, Material-ui, and Web3 to connect to the blockchain.

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