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Wasup Wallet

Use WhatsApp as a wallet to send and receive crypto payments.

Wasup Wallet

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🤝 Polygon — Best Public Good with AA


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

It is already known that one of the main problems of crypto is usability. The UX of wallets makes it difficult for people and companies to interact with cryptocurrencies. And also a lot of complex terms.

It is based on that problem that we have created Wasup Wallet. Thanks to us we can use WhatsApp as a wallet to send and receive crypto payments.

Users interact with a Bot through WhatsApp. On the backend our API interacts with our Smart Contract, which allows to create Wallets, associate Wallets to phone numbers and send and receive transactions that can also be sponsored. This can coexist in any EVM network, we have done the demo in Polygon, Polygon ZKEVM and Scroll. In fact our proposal will allow to be agnostic to the communication channel: now it is WhatsApp but it can also be Telegram, Line or any other channel that already exists.

Through the wallet in WhatsApp users will be able to:

  • Send payments with crypto.
  • Receive crypto payments with their phone number, address or QR code.
  • View their account balances.

What's coming for the future?

During these two weeks we saw that the existing Account Abstraction solutions do not yet meet the need for solutions like the ones we propose. Therefore, we are looking forward to develop the final and robust version to use Account Abstraction through WhatsApp and that it can help other builders to keep coming up with new use cases.

How it's Made

We developed a backend development to integrate the WhatsApp API and thus create a bot with the ability to interact through commands and keywords to cover the process of creating wallet, requesting and sending tokens. We then developed a smart contract that allows us to store the information of phone numbers and associated wallets, as well as turn the blockchain into our source of truth to verify balance and confirm token delivery. Finally we connect our backend with the smart contract so that all actions performed on Whatsapp can finally be recorded on the blockchain. The whole transaction confirmation process works through sponsoring the gas through a master wallet.

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