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Want3 innovates communal wish-granting online, enabling crowdsourced wish fulfillment from group gifts to KOL projects.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Want3 serves as a pioneering public good tool dedicated to the unique concept of 'granting wishes'. We provide a communal space where individuals can articulate their desires and aspirations, inviting others to engage and contribute towards bringing these wishes to fruition. Our platform's versatility is evident in its wide range of applications, such as orchestrating crowdfunding initiatives for birthday presents by enabling users to circulate a wish list among friends, thus facilitating collective purchasing efforts. Moreover, we extend beyond being a mere payment facilitator. Our deep engagement in the fan economy sphere underscores our commitment to empowering Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). We play a pivotal role in actualizing their wish lists. KOLs can distribute their gift lists to followers, and if these wishes are met, the followers may receive certain privileges from the KOLs, such as inclusion in group chats or opportunities for in-person interactions. Additionally, followers can obtain on-chain proof of their contribution to helping the KOLs they follow achieve their wishes, thereby satisfying their desire for recognition and fulfillment While our current status is predominantly as a transactional medium, our vision for progression is holistic. We are on a strategic path to evolve into a comprehensive live-streaming platform, mirroring the success and functionality of services like OnlyFans and Friend.Tech, thus broadening our horizon and enhancing user engagement on a global scale.

How it's Made

Frontend We use React native as the front-end framework, while also using Tailwind to better write elegant CSS introductions, making our pages aesthetically pleasing and modern.

Backend We use react for our frontend and express for our backend. We also use third-web react sdk for our wallet connection, NFT display and contract function call.

Contract Our contract has been successfully deployed on the Scroll testnet, Polygon zkEVM testnet with a special emphasis on its integration with Polygon zkEVM. We've incorporated gasless transaction technology to enhance the user experience, making transactions swift and cost-efficient. Polygon zkEVM’s robust and scalable infrastructure amplifies the performance and security of our contract, ensuring optimal functionality.

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