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W3Space is a Cross-Platform Gamified Community Space. We’re building hyper-community spaces!


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

What is W3space?

  • A fully customizable space for communities, with complete ownership and control.
  • A home where community culture is created and strengthened by all members.
  • An open-world Metaverse where communities connect & expand.

Metaverse looks like be future of web3. Communities need a customized metaverse space for members to develop social networks, chat, talk, and share with each other. But current metaverse solutions or community social apps are either barely customizable or easy and entertaining enough for people to chat, talk, and making friends.

Our solutions:

  1. Leverage Scroll's zero-knowledge rollup to construct our DID, SBT, and social protocols.
  2. Utilized webRTC for audio and video communication to maximize community interactions and social networking. Users will never get bored.
  3. Landowners can build their customized metaverse and invite friends to hold parties, AMAs, or even an interview event. Our built-in event protocols will record all meetings/AMAs on the chain and issue a specialized POA for attendees.

How it's Made

There are several challenges during this project:

  1. We utilized Agora's webRTC audio and video technology. It helps to provide an immersive user experience on our platform.
  2. DID protocol for users on our platform to create a profile as SBT and in-platform identity. It also supports following and unfollowing to build a social graph.
  3. Events protocol to register and record community events on the chain. Distribute POA (proof of attendance) when users are in a meeting/AMA for more than 15 mins.
  4. The UX/UI team designed and drew the map and in-game assets.
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