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Decentralised content streaming platform with abilities to rent, subscribe and purchase audio/video content.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

W3Flix aims to ramp up the content streaming experience for consumers as well as creators using the Pay-Per-View model [through DataDAOs] to avoid any kind of piracy. Creators can configure different ways for distribution of their content (in form of video/audio streaming) like permanent purchase price, rent price (time-bound access) and subscription price (for batched content) without any intermediatory agent/entity. While users can enjoy their content in a browser-based secure sandbox content player with no buffering delays due to the 'content parts' encryption/decryption methodology.

How content parts will work: Let’s consider a media of 500 seconds in length and if the configuration is set to have 5 parts with 0.02 overlapping, the parts will be as follows: 0 - 102 seconds 98 - 202 seconds 198 - 302 seconds 298 - 402 seconds 398 - 502 seconds [Overlapping Factor OF = 0.02 x 500 / 5 = 2 Parts’ lengths: {(range1 - OF) to (range2 + OF)}]

How it's Made

The main contracts (deployed on FVM testnet) are developed in Solidity, the frontend developed in React while the client-side backend is developed in Node.js/JS and Lighthouse SDKs.

Backend flow for Creators:

  1. Creation of a smart wallet based on the parameters provided by the creator.
  2. Usage of the smart wallet to encrypt the content. (divide the content into parts and then encrypt)
  3. Upload encrypted content and non-encrypted content preview to IPFS/Filecoin.
  4. Store the links of uploaded encrypted content and non-encrypted content preview on the smart wallet contract. [4th step can be done by only the primary owner (aka creator). {Prompted tx} Those who will purchase/rent/subscribe will be defined as time-bound or permanent secondary owners.]

Backend flow for Consumers:

  1. Contract approval for non-native tokens (not applicable for purchases in FIL).
  2. Purchase TX (aka defining time-bound or permanent secondary ownership in the smart wallet corresponding to the content/subscription.)
  3. Fetch the encrypted content from IPFS/Filecoin in parts (partial download).
  4. Decrypt the content parts using the smart wallet. (fetch and decrypt max 2 parts at any instance to avoid theft.)
  5. Parse the decrypted content parts to the frontend to showcase as media in the browser (in secure sandbox mode aka non-downloadable media players).
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