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Store and manage your files and folders, own your content and share important information. We provide new web3 features with simple user interface for versioning files storage.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Easily store, organize, and share your files and folders using IPFS with great and simple user interface. We develop smart-contract that allow create any files/directories structure and provide the best user experience for Filecoin.

User can create directories, sub-directories, upload/download files (we use service), mark files and directories as favorite. Our service includes file versioning, where upon uploading a file with the same name to any directory, we will save the new version while still allowing access to previous versions.

How it's Made

We develop solidity smart-contracts and deploy it on the Filecoin Hyperspace network. This smart-contract manage files and directories structure, favorite lists and versioning. For frontend we use react with wagmi and wallet connector that allow to support multiple wallets. When user upload new files we use service to upload all files into IPFS and then update data in our smart-contract. Also user can edit and remove files, directories, download files and view favorites.

Our service enables you to use your own API Key, stored in your browser's local storage, giving you full control over all uploaded IPFS content.

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