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Voters can vote conviniently by connecting to their Metamask wallet using this platform. Admins can register candidates participating in the election.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

A fair voting system has always been a vital part of a democratic country. This project gives users convinience to vote as the current voting process is very hectic and because of the votes being stored in blockchain, it is secure. And after successful voting there is no way people can delete the record / vote which makes it a fair voting system.

How it's Made

The first and foremost issue was regarding the connection (integration) between front end (react JS) and back end (smart contract). Handling package versions were really hard as we were not acquinted to the newer versions. Integrating the sponsors was also a tiring task as we had to research a bit about all of the sponsors. And also the internet, working without internet was one hell of a task.

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