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We are the first platform that leverages p5.js scripts to create interactive NFTs.We used ZORAs ERC721Drop Contract.Our Audio_Visualizers NFTs are served just from a single HTML File. All visualizers and songs are stored on IPFS through NFT.STORAGE from just an animationURL.


Created At


Winner of


🧙‍♂️ — Storage Wizard

Project Description

Our vision is to prototype our AudioVisualizers NFT and build a one stop factory that every digital artist can use our platform to create awesome Dynamic Audio based visualizers. Right now NFT owners can use our dynamicAudio module to change the audio of their NFT and rewrite the animation baseURI , but in the future we are going to provide the factory where Digital Artist will have access to create their Collection by providing the visualizer script and the corresponding Audio file for each NFT and we will manage everything else in an Automated and decentralized Way by interacting with ZORAs SmartContracts to create ERC721Drops and monetize them from our Platform using a custom Drop_Metadata_Renderer ! The main components that we used is ZORA APIs to host a marketplace to showcase our Visualizers , also we leverage ZORAs Contracts to maintain our NFT Collection Contract (ERC721DROP) . The best is that all the files of each NFT is secured by NFT.STORAGE by using their APIs. We also have plans to include some more cool stuff and contribute into the ZORA ecosystem by creating our own Drop_Metadata_Renderer implementation to provide more Utilities with SmartContract AccessControl to NFT Owners and Project Creators , by letting them monetize their Owned NFTs as they want to build more Cool Dynamic Features. Our NFT Contract Address is = 0xCb18208e0860C0eA33Ee85AE959b78a9c1a226F2

How it's Made

This project uses Zora Api for fetching data from the ERC721DROP contract(AudioVisualizers) and conmbine them into a marketplace using their IFRAME component. Every NFT data is stored on IPFS through NFT.STORAGE from the HTML to the audio file that is fetched from NFT.STORAGE Gateway from the coresponding cid audio BLOB. We are also interacting with the Drop_Metadata_Renderer From ZORAs Smart Contracts to provide a dynamic Experience where NFT Owners can change the song of their visualizer in a completly decentrilized manner!

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