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Vigour Hall

Intends to be a community of fitness entusiasts, Commit to fitness and get rewarded with Vigour HAll

Vigour Hall

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Vigour hall is a community of fitness entuisiats united by challenges

Vigour Hall is a crypto native social community of fitness enthuisiasts. Where people can participate in fitness challenges and can get rewarded for consistently showing up. With the overall goal of having a better quality of life.

Vigour Hall consists of five fitness challenges a user can enroll in, each challenge also consists of tiers. The higher your tier the better your reward. Think of joining a challenge as analogous to a knight joining a medival guild, Where each tier represents your objective.

Why Vigour Hall

Vigour Hall ultimate objective is to cultivate a large community of fitness enthuisats by incentivitising them with rewards. As someone that struggles with being consistent with my health as well having cultivated bad health habits and behaviours in the past. Vigour hall strives to help people like me by rewarding consistency and providing a community of like minded fitness enthuisiiats. VigourHall also aspires to provide a crypto native solution for granting users ownership of thier health and fitness data.

How it's Made

How it works

Creating an Account

Being a big believer of Address agnostic user accounts. VigourHall is address agnostic. To become a user, you must choose a unique username which is associated to the address you use to perform the transaction. you are then given a unique pass phrase to keep safe. This unique passphrase is what you can then use to reassociate your username to a different address. If something happens to the one you initially used to create the account.

The Challenge side

There are five major challenges a user can enroll in at any point in time on VigourHall.

Water Challenge Body Fat Challenge Sleep Challenge Steps Challenge Activity Challenge

Each Challenge is meant to encourage healthy habits in its given domain. The Challenges are made up of three tiers of gradually increasing difficulty. You earn your vigour tokens when you complete challenges. Right now vigour tokens have no monetary value and are simply for bragging points and the simple psychological feeling of acheivement. But this is subject to change in the future.

Once a user creates an account with us, They can enroll in any challenge (up to all of them). Once enrolled they automatically start from tier 1, a user must submit a proof of completion for the current tier of an enrolled challenge. Right now this data is gotten by integrating with fitbit to read the data specific to an enrolled challenge.

For eaxmple if a new user kate joins the Water challenge, For tier 1 she has to submit proof that she is drinking at least one litre of water a day. To get this proof, with kate's consent the app fetchs her water consumption data from fitbit, and check to see if it satisfies the criteria. After a certain number of completions kate will start getting rewarded for them. Also if she keeps a certain number of streaks on tier one of the challenge kate can decided to upgrade to a tier 2, which has a harder objective (drink at least 2.5 litres of water a day) but a larger payout.

Users will not get penalised for completing a challenge objective during the day but not logging in to submit to the dapp that same day. As long as the objectives are fulfilled and tracked on a fitness tracker (fitbit). Whenever a user comes back, those completions will be valid

Data Storage

By default no fitness user data is stored by the app apart from the boolean fact that a challenge has been completed. But a user can opt to store thier data each time they submit thier data for challenge verification. If a user opts to do this, thier data gets encrypted and stored on filecoin and ipfs.

Challenge Verification

In order to securely get fitbit data using OAUTH as well as verify challenge data we needed to introduce a lightweight web server (created with flask) to the mix. The server is responsible for fetching the fitness data as well verifying challenges to the smart contract. The smart contract only allows verified parties to submit challenge completion data on behalf of users. Rigth now the only verified party is the server.

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