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Untouched Archive

Untouched Archive - is a decentralized and censorship proof solution to for the community to store Books, Newspapers, Documentaries, and historical Web pages on persistent storage powered by Filecoin - IPFS.

Untouched Archive

Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Currently, is a widely used platform we all have used for different purposes but there are limitations due to its centralized structure so if there is a decentralized and censorship-proof archive platform then it can add lot many benifits. Problems :

  1. Centralized data storage: There is always a chance of a central point of failure no matter entity is nonprofit organization or a company

  2. No way to incentivize contributors: From books and newspapers banned due to conspiracy issues to documentaries, contributors are publishing everything to help community but there is no incentive mechanism for them.

  3. Censorship issues: From centralized database and control, content can be taken down. So as a solution : Untouched Archive - is a decentralized and censorship proof solution to for the community to store Books, Newspapers, Documentaries, and historical Web pages on persistent storage powered by Filecoin - IPFS

How it's Made

Currently, is a widely used platform we all have used for different purposes but there are limitations due to its centralized structure so if there is a decentralized and censorship-proof archive platform then it can add lot many benifits. Untouched Archive - is a decentralized and censorship proof solution to for the community to store Books, Newspapers, Documentaries, and historical Web pages on persistent storage powered by Filecoin - IPFS. Every data which I shared is stored in IPFS FileCoin.

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