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Forensic and AI-powered NFT analytics that fight wash trading, fraud and give accurate value for digital assets.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

UnleashNFTs-snap is a Metamask addon that offers specialised transaction insights when trading NFT on well-known marketplaces like OpenSea, X2y2, etc. It makes use of the UnleashNFTs api and Metamask Snaps to deliver the most comprehensive data-driven NFT insights. It offers NFT analytics and forensics driven by AI that combat fraud and wash trading while providing correct price estimation for digital assets. It helps NFT traders to make an informed decision before purchasing NFTs.

How it's Made

Understanding Metamask Snap took time since it is relatively new framework. Handling sensitive data like API keys is not yet available out-of-the-box in Snap architecture. Also, Every marketplace has own method to do NFT trading transactions. Decoding the transaction input data is quite complex. Also, it is necessary to have separate logic for each NFT marketplace.

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