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UniWel Protocol

Enabling transparent utilsation of goverment schemes and benefits.

UniWel Protocol

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Our team went on a hunt to find problems to solve for the Indians, the Indians who form the majority of the population, who earn between 12.5k to 50k rupees or anything below that. While we interviewed and spoke to the audience who fell under that section of the population, the problems were pretty obvious.

Among the many problems, one was the lack of information regarding government schemes. Problems :

  • Lack of visibility of government schemes
  • An unorganised structure, each type of scheme ( food, health, finance & more) are to be realised in different formats, requiring separate cards, documents attached to it.
  • Corruption causing the benefits not reaching to the right audience

Solution :

Introduce a welfare protocol, a universal card for each citizen to realise benefits of all government schemes and CSR benefits they are eligible for. This universal card maps the graph of the giver and the receiver. Nothing goes unrecorded. A new payment mode for all citizens added on all stores, if they scan and pay using their Universal ID app they can get subsidised prices for the goods they are purchasing based on their profile. The card records all benefits, keeps updating information throughout their life and is also transferable to the nominee assigned by the users

Simple steps :

  • Created a Univseral ID : which is their wallet
  • Create your profile : About you, salary, government ID verification and photo verification
  • Get a verified card
  • Start exploring schemes!
  • Opt in for the schemes you are eligible for
  • Scan to verify, online and offline.

While our primary audience would be the users with the above mentioned bracket, the ID is also usable by students or any other citizen. Schemes are available for everyone, they just don’t know yet. With Universal Welfare Protocol, they know.

Half of India has access to the internet, they use this to make their life better. πŸ™‚

How it's Made

We have created a mobile web app powered by Nextjs. This was done in order to ensure easy user onboarding. Universal Welfare protocol is a multichain protocol to ensure that benefits flow across chains and not restricted by the presence or absence of capital on one chain. We have used Cometh connect to provide a simple biometric-powered wallet creation process eliminating the need to store seed phrases and other complex hassles users might possibly face. The smart contracts for the Universal Welfare Card as well as Universal Welfare Schemes is written in solidity and deployed across multiple chains.

Having a seamless user experience is critical for our application hence we have eliminated the need for users to pay gas fees and made this completely gasless and simple. The UX is very simple because usability is key and in order to drive adoption for our target audience the app needs to simple to use.

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