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Uniswap Position

Tracking Uniswap Position: token amount, position value.. so we can analysis about impermanent lost

Uniswap Position

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

This project provide a tool for tracking uniswap position (currently on mainnet only, but it will expand soon). Defi users always scare of impermanent loss, so this tool will provide an overview about our position in a long time, hence we can improve Defi strategy. This project currently provide UniV3 position info on mainnet with information about: amount of token (both tokens), price of token. There will be a front end for it, but it still ongoing task. Users will have ability to configure which pool they need to track, on which chain and can query all the information to view on charts.

How it's Made

This project use some functions on Uniswap SDK to get position info, and Coingecko API for token pricing. After gathering all information, they will be put in SQlite DB. There will be interval for getting information to ensure every information not be missed or duplicated. The project also provide HTTP API for querying data from DB in JSON format using express.

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