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UniMint: The universal hub for minting and managing your assets through SparkLend. Elevate your DeFi experience by tapping into optimized lending pools. Why settle for less when you can UniMint? ๐ŸŒŒ #UniMint #DeFi #SparkLend"


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

UniMint aims to revolutionize asset management in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by serving as a universal hub for minting, borrowing, and managing digital assets through the SparkLend protocol. Built on robust and secure blockchain technology, UniMint integrates seamlessly with SparkLend's lending pools to offer users a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective way to leverage their assets for maximum financial growth.

Core Features Asset Minting: UniMint allows users to mint assets like sDAI directly from their digital wallets, providing instant access to yield-generating opportunities.

Optimized Lending: Utilize SparkLend's lending pools to borrow assets at predictable rates set by Maker governance or based on market utilization.

Smart Asset Management: Our AI-driven algorithms suggest the best times to deposit or withdraw assets based on market conditions, maximizing your returns.

Multi-Chain Support: UniMint is designed to work across multiple blockchains, making it a universal asset management solution.

Conduit Liquidity: The platform integrates with Conduits to tap into Maker liquidity, ensuring stable and sustainable yield generation.

User-Centric Design: With a focus on user experience, UniMint offers a simple, intuitive interface that makes complex financial activities easy even for beginners.

How it's Made

Technology Stack Smart Contracts: Solidity for Ethereum-based smart contracts. Backend: Node.js with Express for API development. Frontend: React.js for building the user interface. Blockchain Layer: Web3.js for interacting with Ethereum and other compatible blockchains. Database: MongoDB for storing transaction and user data. Oracles: Chainlink for price feeds and other off-chain data. Other Tools: Docker for containerization, Git for version control, and Truffle for deployment. Architecture Smart Contracts

We have multiple smart contracts for various functionalities like minting, lending, and asset management. These contracts interact with SparkLend's existing smart contracts for lending and borrowing assets. Backend

The backend serves as an interface between the smart contracts and the frontend. It uses Web3.js to interact with the blockchain and make function calls to the smart contracts. Frontend

Built using React.js, it provides the user interface for all functionalities. It communicates with the backend through RESTful APIs. Database

Stores non-blockchain related data like user preferences and analytics. Integration with Partner Technologies SparkLend: The core of our system, used for lending and borrowing functionalities. Our smart contracts are designed to interact seamlessly with SparkLend's contracts.

Chainlink: We used Chainlink oracles for obtaining real-time price data, which is crucial for asset management and lending decisions.

Hacky Notables Dynamic Yield Tracking: We implemented a dynamic algorithm that adjusts lending rates in real-time based on market conditions. This was a bit hacky as it involved real-time analysis of both on-chain and off-chain data.

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