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This project offers university DAOs a template to onboard members using Privy's wallets on Scroll. It simplifies crypto for students, promoting on-chain engagement with a Web2 approach.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The past two years I ran and built out Blockchain at Columbia, which is one of the prominent student-run university DAOs in the U.S. slash North America. And running the organization, I know a lot of the things that go well, but also a lot of the things that are really difficult. And each year in the fall, new students arrive on campus and they're exploring new clubs and they're very curious. And one of the great things about education and universities are people are always trying to learn stuff and explore. And right now there is this narrative of consumer crypto and there are a lot of walleted service providers such as Privy or Web3Auth or Magic or Capsule or Sequence. And these different wallet providers, they make it much more seamless to create a wallet for a user that is using a front-end, but they're using that front-end as they would like a regular website or application. And having played with Privy a little bit on Frentech and other iterations, I decided to use it here to create wallets for users when they sign into a website of a university, a university DAO website. And the goal of this project is anyone could fork this website, this front-end, customize it themselves, create wallets that then get posted to Scroll and it could get posted to other chains too, any EVM compatible chain. And it's a great way for new members of the DAO organization to explore crypto, get set up with a wallet that's very easy and seamless and that might encourage them to learn more about Web3 and the entire crypto industry.

How it's Made

This project is made using Privy, Remix, Scroll, a lot of Scroll, React, HTML, CSS, and support with ChatGPT, and lots of YouTube videos:)

A lot of my blockchain experience is pretty limited, and it's from hacking at different EthGlobal events. And I'd say this hackathon in particular, I became much more comfortable with Remix. One annoying thing is I have started using Zerion as my wallet provider. And I was having a lot of difficulty with Zerion in terms of getting testnet ETH and using faucets and using bridges and whatnot. And so I had to switch back to Metamask to get things to work.

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