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Undercollateralized Storage Deal Auctions

Auction off Filecoin storage deal rebates with a small security deposit and get a competitive price.

Undercollateralized Storage Deal Auctions

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

A simple Dapp for auctioning off FIlecoin storage deal rebates. It allows the storage user to minimize the storage price deal by discovering the best taker via an auction. The deals are not locked until they are activated, but instead a small security deposit allows the takers to bid with confidence. If the deal is not realized on either side, the breaching party forfeits the deposit.

How it's Made

The contracts are written in Solidity, utilizing the Zondax Filecoin Solidity library and running on the Filecoin EVM (FEVM). The front end is written in JavaScript, using React and ethers.js. The hardhat toolchain is used for development. The Filecoin Storage Deals are bridged into the FEVM by the Zondax library. Outbid notifications are sent to the bidders via the PushProtocol.

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