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Building a Blockchain-based scientific publishing platform that incorporates shared governance , incentivization of authors through a DAO and a social network among the entities.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

The blockchain-based scientific publishing platform with shared governance, incentivization of authors through a DAO, and a social network among the entities aims to transform the traditional scientific publishing system by fostering a collaborative and transparent ecosystem.

While research paper platforms have come a long way in enabling researchers to share their work with a wider audience, there are still some problems that remain unresolved. Some of these problems include:

  1. Lack of transparency,
  2. Limited access to research papers,
  3. Lack of incentives for peer-review,
  4. Limited options for data sharing,
  5. Issues with trust and credibility,
  6. Issues with research papers.

To solve these above stated problems, we are building TrustX, a DAO that is community driven, where every entity has the authority to participate in the platform's governance and decision making process and will also feature a social network where authors, reviewers, publishers and readers can connect, collaborate and share their research findings and ideas.

Functional Requirements: Author Registration, Peer Review : Submitted work is subject to peer review by members of the community, Publishing : Accepted work is published on the platform by the publishers, Incentives : Authors will receive incentives for publishing their work, Community Interaction : The platform allows for community interaction, with users able to comment on published work and interact with authors and reviewers, Shared Governance : The platform will be governed by a decentralized system in which all stakeholders have a say in the platform's operations, Transparency : The platform is transparent, allowing users to track the progress of their papers and the entire publishing process, Immutable Record-Keeping : The platform will use blockchain technology to ensure that all transactions are recorded immutably and can be accessed at any time.

Currently we have been working on this development and already done with publisher's part. Since it includes many functionalities we will be working on this project and completing it soon. Soon - Adding Push protocol for notifying the author for paper submission, notifying the entities for the successful voting and publishing of the research paper.

Our Research -

How it's Made

The idea started with this hackathon and we are at the first stage of building a DAO with community driven governance ability, community interaction through a social network and incentivization of authors for their honest work. Here we are building a smart contract for our DAO using Solidity language. For storing the research papers we will be using IPFS (pinnata) for a decentralized storage of records. Users registration and management through Web3Auth. Building a social network using Push protocol where these entities (author, reviewer, publisher, platform user) can communicate among each other and also collaborate for any research idea. Not only for the communication channel but also using push notifications feature to notify these entities about the journey of each research paper. Frontend : using React.js with CSS. Content/API Management through : Strapi

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