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Trustless.Ink is a launch platform that natively disincentivizes Rug Pulls AND creates better conditions for legitimate projects to rise above the noise.


Created At


Winner of


🥇 Chainlink — Best Use

Project Description

The main problem we are addressing are Rug Pulls in web3. Last year Rug Pulls cost 3 Bn in lost funds. This is not only bad for the people who got rug pulled, but also for the space as a whole. It paints us all as scammers and it deters potential newcomers from joining web3. Worst of all, it drowns legitimate projects in BS noise. on one hand, our project aims to better align project and supporter incentives to naturally make it more difficult to rug pull supporters. We accomplish this via 'Smart Roadmaps". Imagine an NFT project that sells out its NFTs. Under a smart roadmap, the funds from the sale would be held in escrow and disbursed at pre-determined intervals. In this way the team has enough funds to complete work planned and as they complete more work, the next rounds are disbursed. on the other hand, supporters can pull an "emergency break" for the next disbursement date if something goes terribly wrong with the project and can receive a partial re-refund. This emergency would require a vote by the community. For founders, offering this "emergency break" mechanism allows them to signal the seriousness of the work and get better terms on their sale (e.g., higher price, faster sell out).

How it's Made

We used the polygon mumbai chain for the deployment of our smart contract, it was very helpful to be in a layer 2 solution that has a well built out ecosystem. We also used chainlink keepers to track the state of whether the "emergency break" had been pulled. This is critical to allow/disallow certain actions to take place. We used hardhat for the smart contract framework, and we also used metamask as the wallet and etherscan to test along the way.

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