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"Trustified" - Truly Certified. A platform to issue verifiable, tamper-proof, and perpetual digital certificates and badges on Blockchain.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of


🔟 Spheron — Top 10

Project Description

From Educational institutes, Online course creators, Event Organisers,  reputation systems, Carbon credit authorizers, and anyone who needs tamper proof and a reliable way of issuing digital certificates, Trustified will be the go to platform.

In Events, organizers will be able to issue NFT Badges which can be used as an entry tickets to attend events, and provide token gated access to badge holders.

How it's Made

We have used Reactjs as a frontend and FEVM to deploy smart contracts for NFT Certificates.

We have used the following sponsored technology:

  1. Push: To broadcast notifications to certificate and badge holders
  2. FVM: for deploying Certificate and Badges NFT smart contract
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