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Patreon On-chain powered by Polygon - it will have exclusive communities hosted for every creator and monthly crypto payments.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Data ownership is one of the main reasons why we chose to work on this project. With blockchain and services like IPFS, now, one can hold their data in a decentralized way.

With our Dapp, anyone can run their exclusive community and take payments in crypto. 98% of crypto holders don’t understand what they’re buying, and it’s not their fault when there are 1,000s of highly technical projects in an unregulated market. So, almost everyone relies on recommendations, and over 90% of users trust influencers’ for decision-making. Influencers must set up their website, social media channels, and payment links if they want to monetize their community. This is a tedious process for influencers and reduces their audience's trust. Even then, their followers have to copy the recommendations manually, and there is a massive time lag in copying the trading signals, rendering the advice ineffective. Moreover, users don't feel comfortable paying through lesser-known websites or unverified links, and while influencers preach decentralization, they’re forced to use centralized services for community interactions.

How it's Made

We used react app to build our frontend and deployed our smart contract which takes care of the payments on the polygon Mumbai network. To store all the data including user profiles and post data, we used IPFS and web storage. For authentication and integration, we used Moralis.

Although, we were not able to implement the monthly subscription part but we were thinking to use chainlink keepers+ENS / superfluid for that same.

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