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An open complaint system that employs decentralization to address transparency issues and provides incentives to the common man so that no complain go unreported.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

Most of the existing police complaint management systems that are physical ones are centralized which are prone to more attacks and vulnerable to a single point of failure.

This is a problem in a situation where a police officer refuses to file a complaint against influential people, users won’t have a proof of registering a complaint.

Also, some systems give high privileges to the police rendering it vulnerable to tampering. The drawbacks of existing systems highlight the need for a transparent and portable G2C e-governance framework where a user doesn’t have to forcibly trust the police department.Our product caters that need of decentralised transparent complaint system so that no crime go unreported. Every time when a citizen reports a complain ,police will be notified using Push Notification that someone reported a crime recently ,which will help citizens in getting help faster from the Police Body Earlier proof of evidence was manipulated by any intermediate body,As a proof of record user can live share the crime incident while reporting a complain which will make complain more authentic and the video evidence will be safe in bloackchain restricting any organisation who tries to removes evidences.

How it's Made

We didnt know about any of the blockchain sponsors their uses ,etc.So most of our time we had to invest in reading only.Deployment of smart contract on Polygon was also giving the problem.We solved it because we realized we were using different account in metamask which was not having matic.

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