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A community-led online "play-and-earn" and "multi-chain" gaming platform created by CodeDecoders.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🥈 Covalent — Best Use


🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

Project Description

The problem Trankers solves: Most of the games existing in the current Web3 space are focused on the Play To Earn (P2E) model. The fundamental reason for utilizing the P2E model by these games is to allow the players to accumulate as many prizes as possible, even though they are not very enjoyable to play. Players treat the game as a task in order to earn rewards and withdraw them, thus not contributing to the growth of the community. This leads to lower loyalty towards the games, resulting in the games’ having a weaker token economy. This has a major impact on the future survival of these games.

Our Solution: Rather than focusing on a “Play-to-earn” centric game, our focus is on building the game on top of the “Play-and-earn” model.

Our belief is that a “Play-and-earn” game will help our community and the project create a long-term success roadmap for each other rather than just hype-based gameplay that falls short in creating a sustainable, strong gamer community in the long run.

Trankers is a multi-chain gaming platform, which means that players can select the chain that they have funds in and play and earn on top of that chain. Currently five Networks are supported on the platform, but we plan to add support for more blockchain networks.

How it's Made

To develop this platform, we used:

Next.JS: We used the most popular React Framework for building our frontend.

Multi-Chain/ Multiple Blockchain Networks: As of now our game supports five networks which include:

  1. Polygon
  2. Optimism
  3. SKALE Network
  4. Cronos
  5. Aurora On all of these networks we have deployed two smart contracts, the first one being "The Inventory"(all in game items) and the second one being the ERC20 TRT Token.

Covalent API: For loading the metadata of the in game items, insteading of needing to call the data from the chain, we used the NFT Rest api. This allowed us to fetch all items faster as compared to making a direct native call.

QuickNode Token API: We used this API for continuously updating the user's TRT balance. Sometimes making frequent calls directly to the blockchain causes issues. But using this API we were able to eliminate that issue as well.

`IPFS: All the in-game items like various tanks and upgrades are stored on chain using an ERC-1155 Contract. Now in order for us to be able to utilize the "metadata" that the standard provides, we used IPFS to host and sync the metadata (image url, price, various attributes and variation, title, description) on-chain.

Valist: We used Valist for publishing our project on their platform. It makes it easier to distribute our product.

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