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Trade Court

A decentralized multichain peer-to-peer platform that provides users ability to easily exchange fiat to cryptocurrency

Trade Court

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project combines blockchain technologies with complex front-end and backend logic in order to provide save and anonymous platform for conversion crypto assets to real world money.

Our platform helps new users easily send their fiat money and receive cryptocurrency instantly without restrictions by centralized exchanges.

How it's Made

Our platform uses ethereum as L1 solution and polygon / optimism as best L2 networks with lowest fees in order to provide cheap transactions for users.

With help of ENS users can be easily identified by domain names and use web3 avatars

P2P offers are validated through smartcontract deployed on polygon/optimism/rinkeby/aurora

Front-end: React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Redux Toolkit, React Query, Axios, Wagmi, Rainbow Kit, Vite

Back-end: Node.js, express.js, mongoDB, ethers.js + customised 1inch package

Smart Contract: Solidity, hardhat

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