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Touch the Grass

Wordle and Sudoku inspired and generative art mini web game that generates a large canvas of all completed puzzles, and where everyone shares one puzzle until someone completes it and submits their proof of completion to the smart contract

Touch the Grass

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

We wanted to build something that would capture the feeling of everyone sharing the same word every day on Wordle. The game is a simple game that shares logic with Sudoku. You must fill each quadrant, each row, and each column with every color (there are 4 colors and 16 tiles). Once a puzzle has been completed, the user has the option to either submit the solution to the blockchain, which will kick off the next puzzle (for everyone), or they can simply share the results and wait until someone else submits their puzzle. Submitting the puzzle could also mint the 4x4 grid as an NFT owned by the submitter (assuming their solution is correct), and add it to a 16,000x16,000 grid of all completed puzzles, and act as the backend equivalent of Loot.

How it's Made

We used RainbowKit to connect a user's wallet to the website, and smart contracts deployed on Ethereum to validate the user's solution to the puzzle, as well as to store all the completed puzzles and the current game state. We used ethers and wagmi libraries. We deployed the project on Vercel and used Next and Tailwind for the frontend.

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