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Token Bound Accounts

This is a simple implementation of ERC 6551, the non-fungible token bound accounts standard.

Token Bound Accounts

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The token bound accounts standard (ERC-6551) defines a system that assigns Ethereum accounts to NFTs. These accounts, which are now "token bound", enable NFTs to own assets and interact with applications. This project is a simple implementation of ERC 6551 and is intended for learning and exploration purposes. (I am not aiming for any prizes or bounties.)

How it's Made

The aim of this project is to develop a simple implementation of the ERC-6551 (Token bound accounts) accounts standard.

It is built by extending the OpenZeppelin ERC-721 contract and uses boilerplate code from an NFT workshop given at Hack the North. The contracts are built on the REMIX IDE and deployed/tested on the Goerli testnet.

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