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Mobile application for browsing the ETHGlobal past and present hackathon showcase


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

The tik eeth tok app has an intuitive design and responsive UI, all from a web based app which does not require downloading and installing on your device. The web based app has feature parity across iOS and Android devices, and incorporates web 3 auth, making integration with various wallets a breeze. At the conclusion of the eeth online hackathon and judging , be on the lookout for feature enhancements, and of course the addition of all the projects from this hack-a-thon.

How it's Made

This project was built using both Angular and Ionic, python, javascript and typescript, as well as docker and postgres. For more details please visit the repo on

Where credit is due: w3a-example from Content provided by

[client] ----> [ frontend webserver/reverse proxy ] ---> python3 ---> postgres |_____________[ web3auth]

background image mobile

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