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A Blockchain-based Airbnb contender. Using web3 Decentralized technology to Giving hosts and guests more control, ownership, and value over the Blockchain.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🥉 Unstoppable — Best use of Login with Unstoppable


🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

A Blockchain-based Airbnb contender. Decentralized platform for home-sharing short and long-term stays using cryptocurrency payment methods. Giving hosts and guests more control, ownership, and lower fees transaction on the Blockchain

These are the Problem: 1- High fees - existing Bnb charge very high fees for booking costs. 2- Centralized and controlled communications - loss of direct host-guest relationships. 3- Transactional processes, not relationships - a shift from encouraging high-value, peer-to-peer relationships to transactional ones. 4- Lower levels of trust - trust between hosts and guests, as well as towards the platforms themselves 5- Payment options

How it's Made

Tools use to Build this Project:

  • Building Framework: React.js and Chakra-UI
  • The smart contract that is responsible for listing, hosting, and minting NFTs for the users to share their experiences is deployed. because it is fast, cheap, and scalable.
  • We used the Unstoppable Domain to onboard users for safe track of identity.
  • After the user has reversed their booking and confirmed - Payment can be done through the reliable money stream from Superfluid.
  • After the payment process the user can mint an NFT of their experiences during the stay and share it. here we using IPFS and NFT. Storage to handle the data storage and Polygon for the transaction.
  • Keeping our users well informed or updated we used EPNS to notify our users of the newly listed property and other experiences on the dApp.
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