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The project, called "TheRegistry," is a blockchain-based decentralized application that enables Issuers to securely issue and trace digital documents to Users, improving authenticity and accessibility while simplifying the process, all in a gasless and user-friendly manner.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Tableland — Prize Pool

Project Description

The project, known as "TheRegistry," is a decentralized application designed to address longstanding challenges in document issuance and authenticity tracking. It serves two primary user roles: Issuers and Users, offering a gasless, user-friendly, and secure environment.

Issuers: Issuers, which can be institutions like universities or organizations, begin by creating profiles on the platform. To establish credibility, they prove ownership of their Twitter account through a zero-knowledge (ZK) proof. This ZK proof ensures that only the genuine owner of the Twitter account can use it within the platform. Once verified, Issuers can issue digital documents to Users using their Gmail addresses. These documents are encrypted, ensuring that only the designated recipient can decrypt and access them. When a User requests a document, the Issuer can issue it directly to the User's email address.

Users: Users, on the other hand, have a streamlined experience. They request documents from Issuers through the platform. Once an Issuer issues a document, Users can access these encrypted documents in their personal portal. To decrypt the documents, Users can log in with their Gmail account, ensuring a user-friendly experience without the need to engage in complex blockchain interactions.

Key Technologies and Infrastructure:

  • Gasless Transactions: Biconomy's gasless SDK is implemented to enable feeless transactions, removing the burden of gas fees on Users and Issuers.

  • Seamless User Experience: Lit protocol is integrated, eliminating the need for Users to interact with tools like MetaMask. Instead, Users can generate a decentralized key pair tied to their Gmail address, enhancing usability.

  • Cost-Efficient Deployment: The project is deployed on the Polygon network, known for its lower transaction fees, making document issuance more cost-effective.

  • Twitter Authenticity: Twitter account ownership is established through a ZK proof, generated using "Sismo". This proof is verified during Issuer profile creation and when Issuers upload documents, ensuring the authenticity of their Twitter accounts.

  • Data Management: Tableland is utilized to store Issuer profile information, User document requests, and issued documents data. This ensures secure and efficient data handling within the blockchain ecosystem.

  • Frontend and Smart Contracts: Nextjs is employed for the frontend development, while Hardhat serves as the development environment for the smart contracts. Remix IDE is used for testing and verification of the smart contracts.

TheRegistry aims to solve the challenges associated with traditional document issuance and tracking by leveraging blockchain technology to provide a secure, efficient, and user-friendly solution for both Issuers and Users. This innovative approach not only enhances document authenticity but also simplifies the entire process, reducing the time and effort required to obtain and manage digital documents.

How it's Made

Building "TheRegistry" project involved a combination of cutting-edge technologies and a thoughtful architectural design to provide a seamless and secure document issuance and authenticity tracking system. Here's a detailed breakdown of the key components and the integration of technologies:

  1. Seamless User Experience and Document Security:

    • Technology: Lit protocol.
    • Integration: Lit protocol is employed not only for creating a user-friendly experience but also to encrypt and decrypt documents securely. It ensures that only designated Users can decrypt the documents issued to them, enhancing the security and privacy of sensitive information. This integration adds an extra layer of protection and control over document access, aligning with the project's goal of providing a secure and seamless document issuance system. Lit protocol's dual role in simplifying user interactions and securing document access contributes significantly to the overall effectiveness and usability of "TheRegistry" project.
  2. Gasless Transactions:

    • Technology: Biconomy's gasless SDK.
    • Integration: This SDK was integrated to allow feeless transactions within the platform. It enables Users and Issuers to interact with the blockchain without worrying about gas fees. The integration here ensures a smooth and cost-effective experience.
  3. Cost-Efficient Deployment:

    • Technology: Polygon network.
    • Integration: The project was deployed on the Polygon network, chosen for its lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum. This cost-effective choice makes document issuance and interactions more affordable for Users and Issuers.
  4. Twitter Authenticity:

    • Technology: Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs generated using "Sismo."
    • Integration: To establish the authenticity of Twitter accounts, ZK proofs are generated during Issuer profile creation and when Issuers upload documents. This innovative use of ZK proofs ensures that only the genuine owner of the Twitter account can perform these tasks within the platform, enhancing security.
  5. Data Management:

    • Technology: Tableland, a web3-native database.
    • Integration: Tableland was employed to manage the storage of crucial data, including Issuer profile information, User document requests, and issued documents data. It provides a secure and efficient way to handle data within the blockchain ecosystem, ensuring the privacy and integrity of sensitive information.
  6. Frontend and Smart Contracts:

    • Frontend: Nextjs.
    • Smart Contracts Development: Hardhat.
    • Smart Contracts Testing: Remix IDE.
    • Integration: Nextjs was used for developing the frontend of the application. Hardhat served as the development environment for creating and deploying smart contracts. Remix IDE was used for testing and verifying the functionality and security of the smart contracts.

Notable Considerations:

  • A key notable aspect of this project is the integration of Lit protocol to provide a seamless user experience by linking decentralized keys to Gmail addresses. This approach significantly improves user-friendliness by removing the need for Users to manage blockchain-specific tools.
  • The use of ZK proofs for Twitter authenticity is a notable security feature, ensuring that only the genuine Twitter account owner can perform actions on the platform.
  • The choice of Polygon for deployment is a pragmatic decision, as it offers lower transaction fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet, making document issuance more cost-effective.

"TheRegistry" project demonstrates a thoughtful combination of technologies and a robust architectural design to address the challenges associated with traditional document issuance and authenticity tracking, ultimately delivering a user-friendly, secure, and efficient solution.

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