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A web 3 powered technical documentation with token gated AI


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of


Best Tooling for the Blockless Network

Project Description

The goal of this project is to improve the developer experience by building a web3 documentation with AI.

Some key features are:

  • on chain AI to query the documentation
  • AI multi agent to detect spam
  • token gated AI, ie: the protocol decide the number of free public queries...
  • Analytics to understand when developers get stuck

How it's Made

The documentation is built using a classic web stack including : TS, react, next, tailwind...

The AI is running using Galadriel AI with a Rag and a multiagent architecture to block spam.

The user can connect using web3auth and it's also used to handle admin login.

The admin access is built using envio indexer, which index all onchain activity happening on the galadriel chain.

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