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TAP: Redefining gaming with DeFi, NFTs, secure transactions, and charity. User-centric, innovative gaming experience. Utilizies Safe Kits, Tableland, Push and APE.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

User-Friendly Login:

At TAP, we prioritize user convenience and security right from the start. Our login process sets the standard for a seamless and user-friendly experience:

Effortless User Registration: TAP simplifies the sign-up process, enabling users to register effortlessly via email or social login buttons, utilizing our secure SAFE Web3Auth kit. No more complex and time-consuming registration steps. It's as simple as a few clicks.

Usage Benefits:

Secure Smart Contract Wallets: Users' externally owned accounts (EOAs) benefit from an additional layer of security and control through the SAFE Protocol Kit, resulting in secure smart contract wallets (SCWs).

Fiat-to-Crypto Gateway: TAP facilitates the purchase of USDC using credit cards or other sources through the SAFE OnRamp Kit, making the transition into digital assets straightforward and accessible.

Native Token (APE) Integration: USDC is seamlessly swapped for APE tokens, TAP's native cryptocurrency. APE tokens serve as the primary medium of exchange within the ecosystem, empowering users with a versatile digital currency for all transactions and purchases.

NFT-Driven Rewards: Holders of Bored Ape NFTs are granted complimentary access to our extensive library of games, eliminating the need for payments. Furthermore, BAYC NFT holders can monetize their "payment less right" by renting it to other users in exchange for APE tokens, fostering a vibrant NFT marketplace.

Gasless Transactions: TAP provides users with a gasless transaction experience, thanks to our innovative SAFE OnRelay Kit. This user-centric approach streamlines the gaming experience and eliminates the hassle of gas fees.

Decentralized Scoreboard: The platform's decentralized scoreboard, powered by TABLELAND, ensures transparency and integrity in tracking user performance. The top five performers are rewarded with a share of the prize pool, which is funded by game payments and NFT rental fees.

Charitable Giving: TAP is committed to making a meaningful impact. Fifty percent of the prize pool is dedicated to charitable causes, underlining our dedication to social responsibility.

TAP transcends traditional game marketplaces, redefining the gaming and NFT experience by combining cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. It's more than just a marketplace; it's a vibrant community where secure, decentralized transactions meet social interaction and immersive gaming fun. Join us in the extraordinary journey to revolutionize gaming for the digital age, starting with the most user-friendly login experience.

How it's Made

How we used Safe: By implementing safe kits, we are enabled to create eoa with email and social logins and then create safe accounts with them. Also, we utilize onRamp kit so users can buy USDC for their Safes. And all of our transactions are gasless with Relay Kit. How we used Ape: First of all, we mocked the APE token and BAYC NFTs. The BAYC NFT holders have few benefits like playing games without making any payments. They can rent their 'paymentless right ' to other users which is another utility of our project. And also our project's native token is APE. How we used Tableland: First of all, we create blueprints and deploy them from the studio. Then we are using Tableland sdk to access them. We are keeping our project 'key' data on tableland like a scoreboard, balance, gameRights, etc.

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